Family Fun on the Farm

I was so excited to have this family session on a farm out East, unfortunately the weather did not hold out for us.  I wasn't going to let a little rain get in the way of the session so we headed indoors and found a really pretty spot to finish the session.  The little guy is celebrating his second birthday while Mom and Dad are looking forward to the arrival of a new little one.  I can't wait to find out if they have a boy or girl!Saur-charlieingrass SaurTruckMomCharlieSaurFarm3RecSaurB&W CharliewindowlightSaurMaternityClaire

Family Love- The "S" Family

This is the second time I got to have a session with the "S" family, but this time Dad came along with us.  I absolutely love being with this family, they are so fun to be around and always make me laugh.  The little guy even asked at bedtime for me to take more pictures of him.  We started the location at the same beach that we had a session at last year, and then made a quick pit stop at this really cool barn that we passed, and ended up at the town docks.  SO FUN!Schwartz-1 Schwartz-2 Schwartz-3 Schwartz-4 Schwartz-5 Schwartz-6 Schwartz-7 Schwartz1