Moving along to podcasts. I am embarrassed to admit that I only started listening to podcasts this past fall. I knew what they were and tried to get into them a long time ago but just never found one that I liked. Anyway, I also used to love reading the blog Young House Love, and when they stopped blogging I missed them, but they started a podcast so I figured I would give it a shot and instantly realized I had been missing out on podcasts.
There are four podcasts that I listen to on a regular basis. Two of the podcasts, Young House Love has a podcast and The Chris loves Julia Podcast, are about home design. The Simple Show podcast is a mix of travel, family, and books, all of my favorite things, and the last podcast, How I Built This, is about innovators, entrepreneurs, and idealists and how they built their businesses and brands.
I also find myself listening to podcasts in the car or when I am cleaning or straightening up around the house.