Two Little Beauties

I loved the location that Mom picked for this session and I also loved that she picked it because her husband works on bridges, so it had some special meaning to the family.  These two little beauties were so fun to photograph. Funny story from this session, when I met Mom she looked so familiar but I couldn't figure out why.  Later while I was home I realized that we had worked on a project together years ago, before I was even married.  So strange how life works and how small the world is!



Tiny Firefighter

I loved when this little guy's daddy called me asking if we could some shots of his newborn with his firefighter gear.  I absolutely love to see the images of dad holding his tiny newborn in all his gear.  I also love the lifestyle images we got during this session.  Little "J" was a bit older so I was so happy that I got some shots of him with his eyes open and being so alert. Jacob-8 Jacob-14 Jacob-13Jacob-21 EBP_0600 Jacob-47 Jacob-34 Jacob-32 Jacob-28Jacob-3